Under the guidance of experts, you will explore the world of the sweet to discover the techniques and flavors of French pastry.
This program, which includes 90% practical classes, theoretical courses and photography sessions, will give you all the skills you need to create and enhance your pastries.
Your training can be paid for. There are many possibilities, such as using your French personal training account (CPF).
Success stories
I chose École Ducasse because I dreamed of studying in France and gaining practical experience with the support of renowned chefs. The Essentiels de la Pâtisserie Française program embodied everything I wanted to learn. It taught me fundamental methods and techniques that I will apply throughout my career. My experience also taught me life lessons, including discipline, efficient brigade work and time management. What makes this experience unique is the opportunity to meet the best instructors in the world. It was a life-changing experience. It's a dream come true.
Suhulia Gant
French Pastry Arts Essentials’ Alumni